Mindful Real Estate

What is mindful real estate? Let's first talk about mindfulness and what that means alone and in your everyday life. Mindful.org defines mindfulness as one's ability to be present with one's thoughts, feelings, and emotions, all while not getting overwhelmed by the situations around them. As my partner, Jake (a psychologist), says as a mantra, "Situations don't matter, only my state of being." I know it is easier said than done to self-regulate in intense situations! Life gets stressful, and it is not easy to be present with yourself and the feelings that arise when life gets tense; this is why mindfulness is a practice.

So, how can mindfulness relate to real estate transactions? Well, there is no way around the fact that buying or selling a home can be very stressful for people. From a buyer's perspective, when you have researched the community, envisioned yourself in a particular area, got a job where you wanted, and then finally found a home you could see yourself and your family in, you put an offer on the house that you feel is the home of your dreams. During those moments of negotiations with a buyer and seller going back and forth, there can be so many ways the transaction can go. These are the moments to practice mindfulness since there is so much uncertainty. Some examples of mindfulness or self-regulation are going for a walk, swimming, hiking, or taking a yoga class.

When a seller is ready to move and put their house up for sale, timelines, mortgages, and the new life they are reaching for is a delicate dance. Not to mention the emotional load that is letting go of your old life and all the memories you have made in that home carries for you when selling your home. As much as you want to choose the buyer and ensure it is someone you love; unfortunately, that is impossible with fair housing laws. The reasons will add up in these transitional times of your life to be exhausted. Moments like this are where grounding back into yourself and checking in with how you can support yourself during those arduous times creates moments for mindfulness. A pro tip in stressful times is to vamp up your self-care, such as baths, massages, gym, and therapy.

Making a significant life change, such as purchasing or selling a home and moving into a new community, can be complex and overwhelming. Regardless of your experiences in real estate transactions, you can take moments to support yourself and be more mindful during challenging situations.

One of my favorite parts of real estate is helping people. The real estate world can seem like the Wild West sometimes, and having a mindful, supportive, investigative realtor such as myself on your team is the best decision you can make when it comes to home transitions. I love to coach clients through the home/land buying or selling process with a conscious lens. Showing up for ourselves in strenuous times helps us trust ourselves in the future and learn to depend on ourselves and our intuition moving forward

Disclosure: The information on appalachiandestini.com, including, but not limited to, all blog posts and entries, is not intended to be professional advice, and Destini or other contributors are not responsible for any financial, real-estate, or physical liabilities. Destini and other contributors to appalachiandestini.com are not financial advisors, lawyers, appraisers, inspectors, or engineers. The information on this site is intended for education and research purposes only. The information on appalachiandestini.com will not be used in lieu of professional advice and consulting with people skilled in their expertise.


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